"Ya, it gets stuck on the thing in the back of my throat when the teacher calls on me." |
Retrieval Strategy Instruction
Annual Goal:
The student
will improve his or her Word Finding skills.
Short-term Objectives (Choose those appropriate for the learner):
- The student will apply the Same Sounds Cue retrieval
strategy to improve word retrieval of known, but evasive, vocabulary in science, history,
social studies, literature, and language arts.
- The student will apply the Familiar Word Cue retrieval
strategy to improve word retrieval of known, but evasive, vocabulary in science, history,
social studies, literature, and language arts.
- The student will apply Synonym and Category Substituting to circumvent Word Finding
blocks to improve
communication in science, history, social studies,
literature and language arts.
- The student will use Syllable Dividing (visual and rhythm) to improve word retrieval of
multisyllabic vocabulary in science, history, social studies, literature,
and language arts.
- The student will apply reflective pausing to reduce Fast Inaccurate Responses when answering questions
in class.

"My words are like fish and I can't catch the one I want."
Self-Advocacy Instruction
Annual Goal:
The student will learn to be a self advocate with regard to his or her
Word Finding skills.
Short-term Objectives (Choose those appropriate for the learner):
- The student will demonstrate an awareness and understanding of the
intervention objectives for the retrieval strategy instruction lessons
- The student will learn to self apply retrieval strategies as he
or she learns how to use them.
- The student will learn to identify those speaking settings, times
of day, and the subject content where he or she has the most and least
difficulty with Word Finding.
- The student will learn to identify the syntax and phonological complexity
of the target words that he or she has the most and least difficulty retrieving.
- The student will demonstrate self-monitoring skills to recognize
when Word Finding difficulties are occurring.
- The student will learn to apply a self-instruction sequence to reduce
the occurrence of specific Word Finding behaviors that he or she typically